GENERATORS/Sets – Power Equipment for sale

Generators / Sets

Please fill in the Enquiry Form at the end of the page
for more details on any of our generators/sets.

Prices are NEGOTIABLE depending on speed and ease of
transaction. We will do our very best to satisfy your requirements
and can provide basic project consultation provided that the
project is real and funds are shown to be available.

REF.No. UnitsKWMnfg.ModelHzVoltsFuelHoursYearPrice ea.
$ or EUR
4061G 1300CATC 960480DNEW2015$ 110,000
4062G 1305CUMMINS280 GTA 1460480/277NG1,2001998$ 73,000
4063G 3350GILLETTE60480NGNEW2024$ 230,000
4064G 5380 kVACUMMINSQSL 950400DNEW2022$ 49,500
4065G 1390MTUE3402Z650400NG10,0002017EUR 120,000
4066G 1500 KVACATDE500 EO50400DNEW2023EUR 110,000
4067G 1500CUMMINSDFEK60480D5002008$ 132,000
4068G 1500CUMMINSDFEK60120/240D1562012$ 132,000
4069G 1500CATCG 1860480NGNEW2024$ 425,000
4070G 1530MANE3262 LE20250400NGNEW2020EUR 350,000
4071G 1550 KVACUMMINSC550 D550400DNEW2023EUR 115,000
4072G 1550 KVACATDE500 EO40400DNEW2023EUR 116,000
4073G 2591CATC 2760480D5752010$ 190,000
4074G 2720JENBACHER32050400NG3,0002008EUR 270,000
4075G 21,000WAUKESHA16V150L TD50415NG40,0002008$ 185,000
4076G 31,000DEUTZTBG620V12260480WELLHD$ 390,000
4077G 11,000CATC3260480D4002012$ 315,000
4078G 11,000CATC3260480D2452013$ 298,000
4079G 21,000CATC3260480DREBUILT2024$ 297,000
4080G 11,000CATG3516 LE604,160NG5601995$ 330,000
4081G 11,000CATXQ100060480D9,5002007$ 265,000
4082G 11,250 KVAPERKINS4008 TAG350400DNEW2024EUR 230,000
4083G 21,300DEUTZTBG620V1660480L/FILL55,0002005$ 410,000
4084G 101,300POWER CUBES50/60400/480NG6002016$ 520,000
4085G 61,330MITSUBISHIS16R-PTA50380DNEW2017$ 245,000
4086G 11,400CUMMINSQSK606013,800D5,4002018$ 360,000
4087G 21,475CATXQ 1475G50/60480NGNEW2021$ 1,200,000
4088G 21,500CUMMINS1500DFMB604,160D300$ 205,000
4089G 21,500CAT3512 B606,600D3002000$ 195,000
4090G 21,500PERKINS4012-46TAG3A50400DNEW2023$ 298,000
4091G 21,500CUMMINSKTA50 G960277/480D3002006$ 270,000
4092G 151,520POWER CUBES50/60400/480D4002003$ 422,000
4093G 41,600CAT3516 B50400D1,5002020$ 445,000
4094G 101,600CATG3520604,160NG10,000$ 510,000
4095G 21,600CAT3516 B50400DREBUILT2012$ 790,000
4096G 61,600MITSUBIHIS16R-PTA2606,600D2002008$ 174,000
4097G 11,950CATG3520 C50400NGREBUILT2017EUR 443,000
4098G 12,000CUMMINSDQKAB60480D1872018$ 750,000
4099G 22,000KOHLER50D6002011$ 255,000
4100G 22,000CAT3516B HD60480D3,3002011$ 248,000
4101G 102,000MTU16V4000 DS256060480D7,000$ 435,000
4102G 202,028MTU16V4000L64F5011,000NGNEW2024$ 1,425,000
4103G 32,100HYUNDAIHIMSEN 9H25 33506,000HFONEW2014$ 530,000
4104G 32,200CATC280 - 8 MARINE60600DNEW2011$ 434,000
4105G 12,250CAT3516C HD60480DREBUILT2010$ 520,000
4106G 12,300WARTSILA12V2005011,000D1996$ 174,000
4107G 32,500MTU20V4000G4360440DNEW2011$ 240,000
4108G 22,500CAT3608606,600D3601987$ 265,000
4109G 52,500MTU20V4000GSL64 FNER5010,500NGNEW2023EUR 1,620,000
4110G 12,700JENBACHER620GS 0250400NG44,0002000EUR 265,000
4111G 42,750DIHATSU6DK 36603,300D24,0002004$ 315,000
4112G 32,875 KVASTX MAN7L27 3860690HFONEW2015$ 975,000
4113G 22,880NIIGATA8L22AG606,600NG23,0002004$ 335,000
4114G 43,700MWMTBG632V16F506,600NGNEWEUR 715,000
4115G 23,950EMDL20-710G4B603,300D1001996
4116G 64,000WARTSILA12V32E5011,000HFO50,0001994$ 515,000
4117G 44,350MITSUBISHI14KU30A603,300HFO/D1997$ 410,000
4118G 75,200CATC 280 - 165011,000DNEW2011$ 1,425,000
4119G 135,500MITSUBISHI18KU30A606,600NG140,0002006$ 570,000
4120G 15,700MITSUBISHI18KU30GA506,600NG19,0002003$ 480,000
4121G 45,900CATC280 - 16606,900D/HFONEW2013$ 2,550,000
4122G 25,940WARTSILA18V345G6013,800NG30,0002001$ 645,000
4123G 26,000WARTSILA18V32506,600HFO4,0001987$ 570,000
4124G 16,000WARTSILANG506,600NG13,0002006$ 615,000
4125G 16,300WARTSILA18V32 DF5011,000D/NG35,0002008EUR 1,700,000
4126G 26,375WARTSILA16V34 SG506,600NG14,0002011$ 1,100,000
4127G 17,500KAWASAKIKG-18-V606,600NG13,0002016$ 815,000
4128G 147,680CAT16CM32C5011,000D90,0002004$ 780,000
4129G 18,040STX MAN18V32 406013,800HFONEW2011$ 2,250,000
4130G 48,700MAN18V32 405011,000HFONEW2011EUR 4,800,000
4131G 99,000STX MAN18V32 405011,000HFOREBUILT2010EUR 2,850,000
4132G 409,000MAN18V32 405011,000NGNEW2015EUR 3,900,000
4133G 59,200WARTSILAW20V3250HFO50,0002010$ 2,650,000
4134G 29,600WARSTILA20V34SG6013,800NGNEW2018$ 5,800,000
4135G 1210,600MAN20V35 44 G50/60NGNEW2019$ 5,200,000
4136G 610,680WARTSILA12V46A5010,500HFO52,0001996$ 1,220,000
4137G 312,350MAN12V48/605011,000HFO35,0001999$ 1,550,000
4138G 717,550WARTSILA18V465011,000HFO50,0002003$ 4,500,000
4139G 219,560WARTSILA20V34DF50NG/HFONEW2022$ 14,000,000
4140G 324,131 KVAMAN18V48 60 TS5011,000D4,6002014$ 3,850,000

NG – Natural Gas // D – Diesel // LF – Liquid Fuel // HFO – Heavy Fuel Oil


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All equipment is available subject to being unsold
Disclaimer – Although the statements and technical information contained within these new & used Generators/Sets Sales Listings
are believed to be materially accurate, no guarantee is given as to the correctness of any of the information given.